Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Long Time

It's been awhile since I've posted anything but I've been very busy trying to jump start my life again. As of September, I'll be unemployed. Imagine that. Cisco laid me off 4 months after I announced that I'm transgendered. Hmmm....I wonder why that is?

Well, anyway, I'm going to get some job training so that I can safely transition to male, like real estate appraising and inspecting. Those are mostly male type jobs, so I should be okay. In the background I'll pick up contract technical writing to pay the bills.

It's been hard to readjust after working at Cisco for 9 years. They've hired an Indian contractor, who is physically located in India to replace me and who has no technical writing skills whatsoever. I know this because I interviewed the woman. What a slap in the face to all of us Americans who are out of work. I think that is so unethical for a company to abuse third-world people in that way and to put us out of work when there are 6.5 million Americans out of work already. Obama, where are you???

I'm beginning to look more male. More hair everywhere except the face. I suppose that's next. My voice is definitely deeper now too. It's kind of exciting to watch these changes. I guess I can start taking photos now.

More later...